Tuesday 30 March 2010

Well, what a start to the New Year!!!!!!

Well, it was quite a hard start to the New Year, my mum was rushed into hospital with pneumonia and was not expected to last the night!! As ever Bruce was away and I had to wait for him to come home before i could go north (he had my car, i can't see over the bonnet in his) It was quite surreal driving up, it was like i was on the outside watching events happen, and there was all that snow!!! We arrived at the hospital in Halifax at midnight and parked by the main doors only to find that they were closed for the night and we had to go in via A&E a long walk round (couldn't drive a we couldn't get in to validate the parking ticket!!)
It was quite a shock to see mum in intensive care, there were so many lines going in and she was being ventilated!!! It wasn't mum, she was so thin and tiny and translucent. Being the eldest I had to make some decisions, not easy but knowing mum the best ones. Then on to Hebden Bridge, my sister was waiting for us with tea and toast, we spent a few days there and then we had to go home. For a few months we have been on a piece of elastic between Bristol, Hebden Bridge and Barnard Castle!!! Exhausting!! Worth it, mum is on the road to recovery, and is getting back to 'attilla' mode (one day i might explain!!!)
In the meantime, we have heard that Bruce is posted ( means another house move!! )
to Boulmer, a small village just outside Alnwick in Northumberland, (only 2 hours from school for Jake) this will be our 3rd time there so we know where all the essentials are. The downside is Bruce is going away for 4-5 months to sunny,sandy places, we have this coming week in the Lake District, Keswick is the only place to spend Easter, fantastic walks and the pencil museum what more can you ask for?!!
It is literally our last week together until september :-(( so i will be on my own down here :-(( with all the driving to do (though i usually do do all the driving, but i have no choice whilst Bruce is away)
There is also a chance that we could be allocated a quarter during this time and i could be moving house!!!!!!!!!!! But more likely we will move when Bruce comes home. I might actually get Jake's quilt made you never know miracles do happen;-))
Craft wise i have been knitting socks, socks and more socks, they are very portable.
I have been able to keep up on reading blogs with my iphone, and thank everyone for the escape they have given me, thank you esp to Jackie at Dog-Daisy Chains' puss for the latest post, and Helen at A Time to Dance for wonderful photos of Yorkshire.
Now must go and print off service duty for Church, not sure how i got that job....................