Tuesday 1 December 2009

So much to do and so little time

Well our weekend was good we did nothing we had planned, weather was not good and neither boy or dog wanted to go out in the rain. So both my boys sat at the dining table and painted warhammer (Jake) and a Lancaster bomber (Bruce), mother-in-law would have had a fit if she had seen them!!! Me i sat in the conservatory and finished the granny squares for the blanket now i have to sew it together, and i am in denial where that is concerned.
I still have to sew Jake's quilt ( I know it has been going on for ages but i cannot get the motivation to get the machine out and get on with it).
Make another apron for my sister-in-law already made one so that could be crossed off the list,
write an article for the Church magazine for the WI
finish another pair of socks, (couldn't resist the wool!!)
plan Christmas menu's and shopping lists
CLEAN THE HOUSE..........................
Christmas cards
Clean the house,
make a birthday cake for Bruce,
oh and did i mention CLEAN THE HOUSE
and i have photographs to upload, so on the whole not a lot to do and not a lot of incentive to do it,once i get started i'll be fine i just have to get started!!!!!!!!!